“Kwon wraps up the mystery of Sylvie’s disappearance at the end, but the discovery of how these characters change throughout the novel may be the more important journey.”
Wanderer is a beautifully written (albeit translated from the French) short novel detailing the tortured friendship between two men, a young composer living in Eastern France, and his form
"quite a nicely baked short yarn, rather than a novel, but written a bit like a soufflé, rising in the oven but when eaten there isn’t that much substance."
International bestselling author Khaled Hosseini’s new work Sea Prayer, a glimpse of a final, treasured moment between father and son, does not disappoint.
Evan Fallenberg’s novel The Parting Gift takes the reader through the emotional turmoil of love, lust, trust, and mistrust that often accompanies affairs of the heart.
Love, loss and freedom take center stage in Daniel Mason’s The Winter Soldier. The novel chronicles the life of Lucius, a well-bred Polish-Austrian doctor from Vienna, beginning with his d
Vietnamese Memories by Clement Baloup starts as a series of memories of the Vietnam War, different men, now living in France, telling how they left Saigon at the end of the war.
History of Violence is not, as the title suggests, a big, fat tome about human aggression, brute force, and cruelty, though it describes a world in which violence shapes the life of the na
Readers familiar with Man Booker Prize winners will quickly realize why Dorthe Nors’ novel, Mirror, Shoulder, Signal was a 2017 finalist for the international prize.
South African born Jewish-Canadian author Kenneth Bonert’s sophomore effort The Mandela Plot is a sequel to his multiple awards winning debut novel The Lion Seeker (also reviewed
Gonzalo Gil is a middle-aged attorney with a failing career, a fractured marriage, and a domineering father-in-law who wants him to give up his practice and work for his own powerful firm, which is
John Cyrus Bellman—widower, farmer, and father to a ten-year-old daughter—seems to surprise even himself one day when he decides to leave everything behind to head west in search of “a creature ent
The Burning Girl by Claire Messud relates the story of a close childhood friendship between Julia and Cassie that collapses by middle school as the girls grow apart and Cassie becomes trou