Politics & Politicians

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Giuliani is a well-written, balanced, and unvarnished portrait of a public figure whose downfall will sadden most readers.”  

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“Chin and Lin show that China today is a dystopian state where the CCP has harnessed the latest surveillance technology—facial recognition software, biometric data collecti

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Anyone who cares about American politics, democracy, or the Constitution needs to read Why Do We Still Have the Electoral College?

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“Throughout the book, O’Rourke mixes positive with negative as he discusses where the country is and how it got here, primarily with his focus on history in Texas.”

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“Often viciously funny, this book is a breezy balm for the anti-Trump crowd.”

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“Where Mandelbaum breaks new ground is when he discusses and assesses the serial failures of Presidents Clinton through Obama in post-Cold War geopolitics.

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“In his 99th year, Henry Kissinger . . . continues to contribute to our understanding of the world.”

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This book updates Bergen’s Trump and his Generals (Penguin, 2019) with a prologue that takes the story through Trump’s activities in the first year of his Big Lie about the election that,

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Secret City is a lengthy, detailed, riveting history of the way in which homosexuality was perceived and treated in our government from the tenure of Franklin D.

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The author of this book, veteran terrorism expert Nelly Lahoud of the New America Security Program, sifted through 96,000 declassified files (and 6,000 Arabic pages) seized from Osama bin Laden’s c

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“Dwight Chapin’s newly published memoir reveals new facts and insights into the very consequential presidency of Richard Nixon . . .”

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Putin’s Trolls is a terrifying analysis of evil—how Russian authorities have mobilized social media and other forms of hybrid warfare to exploit human frailties to foster Kremlin ambitions

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In this utterly fascinating and ultimately disturbing book about modern Ireland, Fintan O’Toole, the Irish Times journalist, is at his best as a reporter and commentator.

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“M. Stanton Evans was one of the most influential thinkers and writers who shaped the modern conservative movement in the United States . . .”

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“Jeffrey Frank recounts Truman’s policy triumphs—ending the Second World War in the Far East, launching the Truman Doctrine (aid to Greece and Turkey) and the Marshall Plan, presiding over

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“will resonate with readers following today’s headlines about the financial interests of our governing elite and how their decisions may enrich their own pockets.”

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“a rich and varied portrait of Israel . . .”

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“Cost’s book seeks to relate Madison’s constitutional theory of government (he is often called the Father of the U.S.

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For this country to heal from its inarguably traumatic past, it is crucial to experience its pain: to feel anguish, sadness, and rage along with facing a recognition of be

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Among the literally thousands of publications whose primary subject is Abraham Lincoln, there have been some previously that have dealt with his presidential relationship relative to the Constituti

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You should read this book if you want to know more about the politics and personal style of Russian president Vladimir Putin and US politics in the Trump era.

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Nothing that Wheatcroft writes can erase Churchill’s greatness. At one of the darkest hours of human history, Churchill saved Western Civilization.”

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The Rage of Innocence is an important and timely book—an intelligent, compassionate, and indispensable argument on behalf of Black children.”

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“We are fortunate that, despite the diet of distorted alternative facts fed to many Americans, hard-driving journalist-historians like Woodward and Costa can investigate and publish such a

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“To Douglass, Johnson was hardly a ‘Moses,’ not this man who boasted that, while he had owned slaves, at least he had never sold them.
