“Throughout the book, O’Rourke mixes positive with negative as he discusses where the country is and how it got here, primarily with his focus on history in Texas.”
“Where Mandelbaum breaks new ground is when he discusses and assesses the serial failures of Presidents Clinton through Obama in post-Cold War geopolitics.
This book updates Bergen’s Trump and his Generals (Penguin, 2019) with a prologue that takes the story through Trump’s activities in the first year of his Big Lie about the election that,
“Secret City is a lengthy, detailed, riveting history of the way in which homosexuality was perceived and treated in our government from the tenure of Franklin D.
You should read this book if you want to know more about the politics and personal style of Russian president Vladimir Putin and US politics in the Trump era.
“The authors infer that Trump cared more about himself than the country. Their meticulous history of his last year in office certainly supports that view. . . .
To understand the challenges posed by Communist China, and the difficulties experienced by the United States in dealing with these challenges, there is probably no better book than Chaos Under
“Calhoun: American Heretic presents an unvarnished portrait of one of the nation’s most powerful political figures during the decades leading up to the Civil War.”
“That we have new levels of symbolic saturation via social media should give us a long moment of pause as we consider the intended and unintended effects of the powerful technologies that m
“Alter provides a multi-dimensional portrait of an American president’s journey as a husband, father, and perhaps his most fulfilling role, as humanitarian.”
“What Were We Thinking will give you a fascinating overview and analysis of the books that explain where we are now, how we got here, and where we might be headed.”
“Brian Stalter’s book explores the perfidious relationship between the president of the United States and Fox News, an affiliation that explains much about the catastrophe of Trump’s term i