In 2005, the CW television network debuted a paranormal series that followed the adventures of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who travel the country fighting the forces of darkness.
“Author McDermott’s book is not a duplication of ‘the same old, same old.’ It is a noble effort to advance the common understanding of the variables at play in this complicated and importan
“An astute, vigorous, and candid participant-observer who seeks to radicalize the conditions by which Arab men and women can find satisfying, secular, and sensible lives together.”
“Before the Paparazzi is the Pulitzer Prize-nominated press photographer Arty Pomerantz’s love letter to the art of press photography during a different time, in a world that no lo
In Brothers in Arms: The Story of Al Qa’ida and the Arab Jihadists Camille Tawil opens up the world of the jihadis in the years between the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan and Septemb
A read through this rather gentle, inquisitive look at small-town weekly newspapers could be beneficial to your health. It may even lower your big city blood pressure.
Writer Kevin Desinger found a great setup for his debut novel: A good citizen and wine steward, Jim Sandusky, is home one evening with his wife in a fine, quiet neighborhood when their peace is dis
Following Tweak, Nic Sheff’s memoir about methamphetamine addiction, the sequel, We All Fall Down, chronicles the author’s continued struggle to stay sober.
Peter Corning is outraged, and so should we all be. The United States has the largest income disparity in the industrialized world. Top executives have engaged in legalized looting.
Bluntly, boldly, this book urges Buddhists to adapt its “radical teachings on forgiveness, compassion, and kindness.” Readers of Noah Levine’s streetwise memoir Dharma Punx (2004) will fin
“Greed is good: Philosophy will help you to enjoy it without guilt.” Such might be the motto of Why Businessmen Need Philosophy, a compilation of essays dedicated to the thought of Ayn Ran
When this writer worked in Kosovo, attempts to interview people from the small community of Serbs that remained there after the European Union took over the city almost invariably failed.