"Deport, Deprive, Extradite: 21st Century State Extremism is an excellent resource to gain knowledge of the unjust reality of the U.S. war on terror . . ."
The German political geographer Friedrich Ratzel held that “great statesmen have never lacked a feeling for geography.” “When one speaks of a healthy political instinct,” he wrote, “one usually mea
In late August 1949, the Soviet Union detonated an atomic bomb in northeast Kazakhstan. In an instant, America’s nuclear monopoly was gone and a new element was added to the Cold War.
“an insightful book, providing a closeup look at a conflict that has bedeviled the Middle East and only added fuel to the ongoing fires in that region.”
Masha Gessen will inform you not only about Putin’s Russia but will also take you deep into a society where many, if not most, people desire a strong leader.
"Kepel skilfully knits together the threads of unemployment in France’s urban departements and how fake news and conspiracy theories help to quickly move the process of radicalizat
The Italian political scientist Gaetano Mosca in The Ruling Class (1896) noted that political leaders in all countries propagate myths or “political formulas” that resonate with citizens a
In his 1964 classic, Suicide of the West, James Burnham expressed the global geopolitical contraction of the West by showing the unmistakable trend of the Western powers’ loss of control o
Graeme Wood traces the origins of this work and his pursuit of greater understanding of the Islamic State to having almost been killed by a suicide bomber in Mosul in 2004.