“For over 30 years, Sharon Olds has been writing poems about the unspeakable: bad love, great love, death, childbirth, child abuse, illness, oppression, rape, racism, violence, and sexism.”
“Graber’s great achievement in this masterful collection is that though we never feel the same life flowing twice through any one of her poems, we profoundly feel the myriad ways we are con
There’s a lot to be learned about Nick Laird and his poetry just from stopping with his title for a minute or two. First, there is the simple, colloquial casualness of the words.
Raven is delightful, both the book of poems by John Smelcer and the character capable of playing any role in this poetic movie of all our lives that Smelcer has written.
“Eve L. Ewing has achieved what the historian cannot. She has restored the blood and sweat to the historical record of a tragic moment in the history of the nation.”
“The sheer heft of the two volumes only hints at the vast poetical output of Ammons, a variegated array of poeticules and epics, intimate confessions and scientific hymns, wordplay and wond
“The range of Rollins’ poetic skill is remarkable. The result is a collection of poetry which is magnificently crafted, readable, and crucially important.”
Anthologies of poetry tend to resist reviews, but when a collection like the humorously named Halal If You Hear Me, (halal, at play with holler, is the Arabic word for pure or kosher) sets
Appropriately, given the current challenges faced by women of color, the last few years have seen a resurgence and a reclaiming of the contributions of non-white, non-binary feminist poets.
“There is suffering in this collection and death, joy and heartbreak, and always, there is unyielding passion and unconquerable desire, the erotic silk strands down which each day slides.”