A Republic, If You Can Keep It opens delightfully with a short autobiography flavored with stories, among them, tracing family history, savoring chicken curry, eluding reporters and camera
“For a riveting account of contemporary action the visionary Michael Bloomberg is taking to battle environmental degradation and a host of other societal ills, Eleanor Randolph’s unauthoriz
“The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation is not only an important book that reminds us of a historical moment we might have been
“The story of Winston Churchill’s secretaries and literary assistants has been told before, but not in such a focused and complete manner as in Cita Stelzer’s book Working with Winston
“It’s clear from Burns that the execution of foreign policy requires a deep understanding of geopolitical history, a grasp of complex policies, a long strategic view, and almost endless pat
"The author's easy prose and superior, simple organization makes this work an engrossing, entertaining, and educating read on issues important then that echo today in the modern debate on t
The publication in the West of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and his subsequent exile from the Soviet Union occurred during the flowering of détente and America’s abandonment
Reliving the 2016 presidential election sounds about as appealing as dental surgery, yet this is what Amy Chozick, the New York Times reporter who covered Hillary Clinton’s campaign, asks