Personal Memoir

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“This book is a breath of fresh air.”

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Nobody’s Son is the culmination of a family’s gradual demise.

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You Will Not Have My Hate is French journalist Antoine Leiris’ memoir written in the days after he learned that his wife Hélène Muyal-Leiris had been slaughtered at the Bataclan Theatre in

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“Hovitz had the grit, determination and resources to pull herself out of the morass of PTSD. What about the rest of her generation growing up in this post-September 11 world?”

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He’s a charmer, that Alan Cumming. Actor, author, provocateur. Amateur photographer, whose zeal for the art sort of makes up for the resultant photographic images.

For anyone not familiar with the term, this book’s title will make little sense until a definition of treyf has been supplied.

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As a boy and a young man, Robert Gottlieb read for the love of reading itself. Later he read because his career demanded that he do so.

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The author of this book suffered an unspeakable horror unlike any of us might ever imagine or experience in our lifetimes.

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Every once in a while, every American needs to pick up and read a book like Fire in My Eyes: An American’s Journey from Being Blinded on the Battlefield to a Gold Medal Victory by

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Here’s an irony: If ever a book title needed editing, it could be the one on the cover of award-winning American editor Terry McDonell’s new book.

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“While the reader can feel compassion for Ms. Janowitz . . . he would not wish in a million years to . . . ever again read another volume of her memoirs.”

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Such is the level of horror coming out of the conflict in Syria and Iraq that people have become numb to the statistics.

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“He’s a talker, the angry man, talks the whole time. Talks as he picks me up in his pretend cab, talks as he turns the wrong way . . . talks as he extends his hand with a knife.”

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The words child and chemo should not be uttered in the same sentence; yet any memoir written by a father about his five-year-old daughter’s cancer is going to attract readers.

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Born into a community of devout Mormons, it's only when she starts kindergarten that Judith Freeman realizes different lifestyles exist in the outside world: It's apparently full of heathens and ot

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Before going any further, it should be stated that if you have no interest in the legacy of Gucci, the brand or family, then you can safely pass on this book.

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William Faulkner famously wrote, “The past is never dead.

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I need a replacement word for fierce. I need something slightly less bloodying than savage and something more devastating than captious.

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The Most Wanted Man in China is Fang Lizhi’s memoir, written in 1989 but not published until now, four years after his death.

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Lust and Wonder, Augusten Burroughs’ latest memoir (Where does he get all the life experiences to fill so very many memoirs?) begins with a bit of a ba-boom.

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Long before Etan Patz disappeared on his way to school in SoHo, and long before parents suspected the worst might happen to their children at any moment, an 11-year-old boy was kidnapped and murder

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Many readers will pick up this book purely to discover more about the legendary “wild man of American journalism” Hunter S. Thompson, and they won’t be disappointed. Written by his son, Juan F.
