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Nothing is more heartbreaking and disturbing than war.

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Lana Kortchik tells the fictional story taken from facts about World War II and how it impacted the city of Kiev in Ukraine.

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“the suspenseful action and Hausman’s engaging prose make Sleepless worth the effort.”

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“For most immigrants, the streets of America’s urban communities were paved with stones, not gold.” 

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a short, charmingly absurd portrait of postwar Germany.”

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Novels of mystery and suspense and thrillers more often than not turn on event rather than on complex emotion.

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Nobody does Kafkaesque quite like Franz Kafka.

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Falling under the category of “man drops out of society and goes off to desert to find himself,” this short novel loses direction midway through.

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After the release of his quirky 2014 movie The Grand Budapest Hotel, director/writer Wes Anderson confessed to The Daily Telegraph in London, “I stole from Stefan Zweig,” though n

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a fascinating peek into the genesis of Austria's controversial literary figure.”

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“the effort of reading The Wall will enlarge our understanding [of the Holocaust and its aftermath].”

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The Canvas is an engaging read guardedly recommended to psychological mystery enthusiasts . . .”

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“Sorry has all the ingredients to make it a compulsive read. It’s slick, chock full of twists and turns, and dripping with narrative thrust and intrigue. . . .

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“On the credit side, Mr. Drvenkar’s narrative and dialogue are strong and move each section of the story along. He selects his words with care . . .

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Suspensful, spectacular, and searing are not adjectives one would use to describe The Calligrapher’s Secret. Intriguing, intelligent, and multifaceted are far more accurate to convey what