“In a suspense novel that is the literary equivalent of Hitchcock’s Psycho, Lemaitre presents a harrowing look into the link between madness and evil.”
The 19th arrondissement in Paris is a cosmopolitan melting pot district where multicultural citizens live, love, and worship alongside one another, enjoying Kosher sushi and kebabs, and different s
The psychological tortures that Roberto Arlt puts his main protagonist through are on a par with those endured by Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment or Dmitri Karamazov.
At the start of a crime novel, the reader sometimes experiences an unsettling feeling as the gory details of fictitious assaults and slaughter are rolled out.
Musicians are being murdered in New Orleans, and it will take the skills of paranormal investigator Danni Cafferty and her partner, P.I. Michael Quinn, to crack the case.