Writing good historical fiction is a particular challenge. Not only must an author craft a good story, they have to get the history correct, especially the mood and setting for the plot.
“Some native Hawaiians today might argue that Captain Putnam was misguided in searching for pirates in the South Pacific, because the real pirates had already arrived in Hawaii under the gu
“The Third Daughter is a tribute to the women who endured, who killed themselves, who were brutalized, who escaped, who lived the horrors described therein.
The braided narrative is not a new novel form. Authors have long used interwoven but seemingly disparate plotlines to achieve a whole that is greater than its parts.
“Peopled with strong female characters, A Single Thread is a tribute to those women who defied convention and dared to find happiness in a world that had nothing left to offer them
How many tech bloggers writing about cyber crime do you know who can produce a superbly written, eventful, novel on their first attempt? Well, E. R. Ramzipoor has done it.
“a narrative that reminds its readers of the extent to which everyone who came after the LSD experiments, and the psychedelic sixties, is drawn to that story, but forever remains outside it
“Revolutionaries is overflowing, hyper, passionate, raunchy, forceful, and over the top—just like its subject, the fictitious sixties radical Lenny Snyder.”
“A timely, and more importantly, a vivid, often searing examination of the lives, attitudes, and emotional baggage of immigrants and Americans in a small California town.”
“With her two Walter Mosley-like gifts—impeccable narrative pacing and masterful command of Los Angeles’ intricate, evolving dynamics of race and class—Nina Revoyr’s L.A.
This novel is promoted by the publisher as “a dramatic and moving re-imagining of the characters from Ibsen’s The Lady from the Sea,” albeit in a different location and context.
“Though too untethered to a timeline to comprise a traditional rise-and-fall saga, American Pop delivers a wondrously mosaic-like, multigenerational chronicle of a family that buil
“Where the paintings lurk unfinished and revealing, Killing Commendatore is over-written and obtuse. Murakami has written far better books than this one.