“In the end the real question is: What would happen if we were to throw away caution and good sense and choose instead to enjoy a moment—albeit a delectable one—in time?
“So if you possess a penis, are a bathroom bibliophile with the attention span of a gnat, and happen to be looking for a read that is as timely as, say, feather hair extensions, then perhap
“Decide to Play Great Poker: A Strategy Guide for No-Limit Texas Hold ’em is highly recommended for the neophyte or even for someone disinterested in poker, for transferring knowle
“Fraught with doubts, broken dreams, deep desires, and heartbreaking realizations, rather than poke fun at the human condition, I’ll Be Dead unwittingly epitomizes the strength and
“So sit back, pour yourself a glass of fine wine—that requires time, grapes, yeast, feet, and “an enormous amount of pharmaceutical-grade pseudoephedrine and various beakers and Bunsen burn
“At its core this is the story of an adult looking back at her parents’ choices and trying to make sense of ‘how people with their kind of talent, charm, intelligence and privileged backgro
“The anarchic breakdown of law and order captivated anyone with a television set, perhaps becuase watching lawless chaos provides us with an unusual, vicarious thrill.
“It has huge strengths: a fascinating and original book concept, great wit, and an author writing with a sense of purpose. . . . the originality and audacity of Mr.
If a typical plot structure is and then, and then, and then, Jennifer Close’s plot in Girls in White Dresses might be described as and again, and again, and again, and again.
“Had this collection not been packaged as it is, the reader might feel rewarded at some of the cleverness, but if you’re looking for truly funny, there’s a strong probability you’ll be disa
The year is 1947. America is basking in the afterglow following the successful end of World War II. Life is simple and so is the entertainment, but Americans had changed and so had their tastes.