Fred Fordham's new graphic adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird faithfully recreates Harper Lee's original in a format that brings the magic back to this classic.
“Bald Knobber is a good example of how design matters in books, how we experience a book as an object first, then dive into the pages to discover the world inside.
Alpha: Abidjan to Paris tells the story of the refugees’ struggle from up close and personal through the character of Alpha, a cabinet maker in the Cote d'Ivore, the Ivory Coast.
Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too is the sweet, cute, and deceptively simple story of Jomny, an alien who doesn't fit in with his own people, who is sent to earth with the mission o
The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye “presented by” Sonny Liew is a collector’s item—like a good wine or a piece of fine, old furniture—in its beautiful and artfully aged presentation; and al
This slipcased two-volume edition contains the unique issue of It Aint Me Babe (1970) and 17 issues of Wimmen’s Comix produced between 1972 and 1992—all of which are now out of pr
Patrick McDonnell, creator of Mutts, describes Underworld as “outrageous, demented, perverted, and politically incorrect, but somehow it's also charming, endearing, compelling, an