
Reviewed by: 

“Always Coca-Cola’s best moments illustrate the fault-line between tradition and modernity . . .

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You already know the ending. Of course, in some cases getting there is most of the fun.

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“When Mr. Banks is on a roll . . . it’s a pleasure to go along for the ride. . . . this is a rewarding novel, full of vigorous prose, grappling with the American experience.”

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“In Last Man in Tower, it is immediately apparent that author Adiga’s writing has matured.

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“If the reader has never had the pleasure of experiencing Jamaica or its people before reading The Goat Woman of Largo Bay, s/he will be captivated by a cast of characters as inter

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“Slated for film, Hick is a gripping, gut-wrenching story depicting the harsh realities of the life of a young, defenseless runaway.

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“Heartwishes won’t be a Deveraux favorite, but it probably won’t be a disappointment to her fans, either.”

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“From page 90 on, the plot of Headhunters is so convoluted (and unbelievable) that the publisher ought to give merit badges to readers who were able to follow it. . . .

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“Though the theme of selling one’s soul is an ancient one, this page-turner is a contemporary look into the moral and psychological implications of one’s cherished desires being manifested

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Pilot & Huxley #2: The Next Adventure is a combination of “Beavis and Butthead” with the inappropriate and indulgent humor of “South Park.”

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“It’s all there for the reader to expect the unexpected. Timing, so important in comedy, is also exacting in the Mr. Norman’s expert hands. . . .

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“Sharp wit—by the bucketful! . . . what a journey! . . . an incredibly good read . . .

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“. . . a coherent and compelling—not to mention inventive—page-turner. . . .

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“Electrifying and compelling from start to finish, The Vault is an absorbing and skilful exploration of evil told with the distinctive and par excellence voice of author Rendell at

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“Ah, Paris. . . . drawn here with deftness and delicacy, from the open-air markets to the multiple bars and cafes—appears to cast a spell . . . Dramatic fiction is all about bad decisions.

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“Among the conventions the author has dissolved include a clear timeline, narrative flow, a single version of events, and revelation of character through action. Some of Ms.

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“This is where Ross E. Goldstein’s story comes to life: as he puts the reader smack in the middle of the world of professional cycling. Mr.

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“. . . an important historical work of fiction.

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“In other hands, the fate of a beautiful and world-famous woman leaving it all behind, including her sons, could have been no better than chick lit with a twist.

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“In this book about one of THE MOST FAMOUS WRITERS ON EARTH (at the moment), you can find out how the late author took his coffee.

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“Nemonymous Night is not an easy read; however—and here’s the rub—it’s entirely readable.”

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J. M. Tohline’s first novel, The Great Lenore, is a beautiful book. It is beautiful in the same way that J. D. Salinger’s books are beautiful.

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What do you do with the news that your wife’s brain tumor is terminal and she has nine months to live?

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Nestled in the hills of northern New Mexico is Agua Bendita—a sleepy village where the laws of physics snooze in the afternoon sun and memories are the only road signs.
