Robert Nersesian

Robert Nersesian is president of Public Advocacy Associates, LLC, a communications consulting firm.
Mr. Nersesian has more than 30 years’ experience as a communications consultant and executive. He has worked across a number of industry sectors—telecommunications, financial services, retailing, nonprofit, and manufacturing—involving such communications specialties as public affairs, speechwriting, media relations, community relations, employee communications, and philanthropy.
For 25 years at AT&T, Mr. Nersesian led grassroots campaigns, headed media relations teams, wrote speeches, and represented AT&T in the community.
As a consultant, he has also worked on projects for Walmart Stores, IBM, Merrill Lynch, the San Francisco Foundation, The New Jersey Policy Research Institute, The New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, and The Arthritis Foundation.
Mr. Nersesian earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Virginia, and holds master’s degrees from Yale University and New York University’s Stern School of Business in fine arts and business, respectively. He has taught corporate communications at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, N.J.
Mr. Nersesian’s op-eds have been published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Newsday. His short stories have appeared in Ararat magazine. He has two published plays for children, and a short story included in the anthology, Crossroads.