“Before the Paparazzi is the Pulitzer Prize-nominated press photographer Arty Pomerantz’s love letter to the art of press photography during a different time, in a world that no lo
“Peter Eichstaedt’s Consuming the Congo is a comprehensive and thorough exposure of brutality that has not been equaled since the genocide in Rwanda. . . .
This is the first of Lorraine Heath’s latest series, featuring three brothers dubbed “the greatest lovers in England.” In Passions of a Wicked Earl, she certainly makes her case for Morgan
Mistletoe, long evenings beside warm fires, even the inevitable eggnog-related indiscretion: It’s no wonder that romance jumps on the holiday bandwagon like no other genre.
Sean Ferrell’s daring first novel, Numb, is a Barthian fable which endeavors to chart a course through the murky waters of sensory overload in the modern world.