In The Power Formula for Linkedin Success: Kick-Start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search, author Wayne Breitbarth deems a user’s profile on the online business networking site LinkedIn a
Everything Is Obvious is sectioned into two parts, the first, Common Sense, deals with the recognition that commonsense is anything but, and explores various types of errors in commonsense
Full disclosure: This book intentionally debunks the value of an MBA degree. While I do not have such a degree, both my sons have MBAs from Stanford University (paid for by themselves).
It’s quite possible that author Jon Rognerud mistitled the second edition to his online marketing book when he named it Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Optimization.
There’s an old saw in the world of business management, which goes something like this: “Faster, Cheaper, Better . . . you can have any two, but not all three.”
There’s an old saw in the world of business management, which goes something like this: “Faster, Cheaper, Better . . . you can have any two, but not all three.”
The novel Anna Karenina may have been analyzed from every literary and historical viewpoint imaginable, but has anyone calculated how much richer Anna would have been if she’d dumped her h
In Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-Free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business, author David Siteman Garland seems to be having a conversation with himself (const
The cover of Scott Gerber’s first book, Never Get a “Real” Job: How to Dump Your Boss, Build a Business, and Not Go Broke, has two hands making air quotes around the word “Real.” That give
As we end the year, serious business readers (which outnumber frivolous scanners two to one, according to my statistics) have crumpled face first into a long winter’s nap.
From its overheated title to its Big Journalism authors, it would be easy to dismiss All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis as the latest financial-crisis widg
If you are one of the people who have not yet read SuperFreakonomics (the original, unillustrated version), this is your chance to pick up an even more entertaining version of the original
How timely, that on the day I began reading this excellent book, in mid-January 2002, the weekly magazine Science News included an article whose headline was “Record Science Budget Evaded
You Already Know How to Be Great reaches beyond coaches to managers, human resource professionals, teachers, parents—anyone whose role requires them to give performance feedback or periodi