Biography, Autobiography & Memoir

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“What If the author had written an actual coherent book instead of this accumulation of scraps, bric-a-brac, and castoff bits from her 1980s New Age screeds?”

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“In-depth philosophical essays and visionary science dressed up as a novel.”

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“It seems as though William Friedkin never forgot a resentment. . . .

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“It seems, indeed, that author Gallagher and her subject share more in common when it comes to the art of subterfuge.”

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“Taking care with these often careless writings is what this book best delivers.”

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“. . . unsentimental vignettes of the lives of ordinary people in the Chinese hinterland enmeshed in webs of deception, adultery, betrayal, loss, and cruelty.”

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“Sharon lived a life saturated with controversy. Mr. Landau's biography paints a comprehensive picture of Ariel Sharon, a man easy to hate, but harder to understand.”

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“. . . as a result of this adeptly written biography, Orwell will continue to fascinate an entirely new generation of readers.”

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“. . . [a] kinetic memoir . . .”

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The book is a must-read for anyone who loves the movies, the golden age of Hollywood, or conversations among seriously bitchy men.”

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“Everything we can touch and all that we are is made of the most beautiful geometric patterns.”

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"Autobiography is unmistakably the work of the singer and lyricist of the still-beloved band The Smiths."

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Music scholar Terry Teachout follows up his Louis Armstrong biography with a dazzling encore.

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“. . . this memoir is an evocative and rewarding reading experience.”

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The topic is intriguing: a young woman is trapped in Paris during the Nazi occupation. The publicity blurbs promise everything: youth, war, sex, and intrigue.

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“Doris Day Confidential is a thoughtful and thought-provoking work.”

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In the introduction Robert Gottlieb notes The Most of Nora Ephron started out as a collaboration between him and Ms. Ephron that, sadly, she never saw completed. Following her death Mr.

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Seldom does a book itself match its subject matter in terms of intimidation.

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According to Roz Savage every day is a choice: You can drift along or work. Drifting can be very pleasant. Work requires purposeful, intentional effort.

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“. . . fascinating as it lays open the background of two intriguing personalities . . .”

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This autobiographical book, an assertive explanation of Islam, will clarify Muslim beliefs for many readers.

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“. . . just so wonderfully well written.”

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“. . . . funny, bitter, hopeful, and raging.”
