“The Splendid and the Vile is a tale of courage, perseverance, sacrifice, fear, tragedy, human drama, and ultimately inspiration for free peoples everywhere.
“This volume fills a critical gap in the study of the American Civil War, narrating that it truly was a continental war with potential repercussions far beyond the Washington-Richmond corri
“No Surrender encompasses a powerful story about human brotherhood and comradeship reckoning with—and overcoming—the evil realities of Hitler’s Nazi regime.”
“Chapman’s tenacity in sacrificing himself to save the lives of his comrades as other forces attempt to rescue him truly stand out as an example of the best America has to offer . .
“My aim in this book,” writes Polish historian Adam Zamoyski in his captivating new biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, “is not to justify or condemn, but to piece together his life . . .
“Wars are not won by evacuations,” remarked Winston Churchill after 338,226 British and French soldiers were safely transferred from the beaches at Dunkirk to England in late May-early June 1940.
"Whitten used extensive interviews, and the records allowed to him to tell a cautionary tale on how the destruction of our world could come from complacency, lack of control, miscommunicati
For weal or woe, many names stand out in the history of our revolution against Great Britain: Nathan Hale, George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and Ethan Allen, for example.