The funny thing about books of this ilk is that the advice or instruction, as it were, is only as good or as credible as its source. Consider taking plumbing advice from a veterinarian.
“Beyond New York, the High Line has gone viral. From Seoul to Mexico City, cities worldwide have rushed to turn obsolete infrastructure into public space.”
Neil Leifer discovered "a camera could be my ticket to everywhere. A kind of magic carpet . . . to anyplace I wanted to go." That camera took him to fascinating places.
Revealing the true personality of a portrait sitter has always been the challenge for photographers since the early daguerreotypes or for painters over the past 3,000 years.
Artists aspiring to become great painters often learn much by studying the old masters, and similarly photographers desirous to learn portrait lighting techniques often turn to great images by mast
The most pertinent fact about Sarah Moon: Now and Then is that this is not some glossy table coffee table book but rather a very scholarly, if not erudite, examination of Sarah Moon’s body
If there is such a thing as a platinum standard for books of this genre, then Volez VoguezVoyagez reaches that level and possibly even stretches beyond.
Often risking her own safety, Chilean photographer Paz Errázuriz chronicled the lives of her fellow Chileans who were oppressed, confined, and otherwise cast out citizens during the brutal military
The Isaac Mizrahi Pictures, photos by Nick Waplington, bears a striking resemblance to Fashion's Front Line that features the images of Niall McInernery, in that both boo
Some might say narcissist, some might say egotist, and some might even say elitist, but no one can deny that Cecil Beaton was in many ways an arbiter of taste and style.
Anna Mia Davidson’s Cuba Black and White sheds light on the quality of life of the average person in Cuba by showing us their casual activities in streets, barber shops, and gyms, as well
The timing of the release of The Italian Art of Shoemaking: Works of Art in Leather is curious as it seems to encourage a comparison to a very recently released book honoring the anniversa
Frank Horvat is considered to be one of the most influential and notable photographers of the 20th century, and yet he is not as well known as many of his colleagues.
Most readers might assume that this book would be about Mariano Fortuny and his contributions to the world of fashion. If that is the expectation, you could not be less on target.
The Finest Menswear in the World is not about mere men’s fashion as it is commonly thought of; this monograph is about men’s fashion that transcends our common perception of such.