Fashion Lives should become a textbook or at least mandatory reading for all budding designers, future fashionphiles, and anyone who inhabits the fashion business or considers themselves a
Here’s the thing about fashion, taste and style: for many of us who have lived a life of fashion we have learned that maybe two of those qualities can be taught in a cursory way at best.
If there has ever been the question as to whether or not fashion should be considered an art form then The Haute Couture Atelier: The Artisans of Fashion surely makes the case.
“Frowick clearly uses the book as a vehicle to show the world that Roy Halston Frowick, aka Halston, was a loving man who fell victim to his own habits, intelligence, and abilities as well
“Make this a must read for those who are deeply involved and immersed in world of fashion as well for novices who want to use this book as a primer for the history of fashi
“Horst: Photographer of Style is the type of fashion/photography coffee table book that will continue to give new perspectives with each reading and is a must for those who have ev