
Reviewed by: 

While it seems to be universally the case that authors would rather have their books written about than not, it is also the case that it is sometimes better not to review a given book than to revie

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Many writers have written about the immigrant experience, but most focus on the tension between generations: how the older generations of immigrants—those fresh off the boat, so to speak—want to re

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“Walker’s stories intersect the tipping point when big city gay life went from carefree hedonism and glitzy self–indulgence to the moment when self–satisfied habitués of the demi–monde bega

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“The Price of Salt is a moving, beautifully conceived and written book. It is a mesmerizing read.”

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“For about the last ten years British writing has been experiencing a remarkable renaissance in literary fiction. Long may this movement flourish.

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“Edmund White who wrote The Beautiful Room Is Empty. Edmund White who gave us A Boy’s Own Story as well. It is as if he owes it to us to always excel.

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“Greg Herren knows how to tell a crime story without resorting to inane stereotyping. . . .

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“Péter Nadás may infuriate readers accustomed to a Tolstoyan resolution of a series of interrelated stories and characters and times and settings.

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“. . . curiosity, that powerful driver of discovery, is only as valuable as what it turns up.

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“The Mere Future reads like a modernized Candide by Voltaire crossed with Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
