“The author and illustrator beautifully balance this troubling tale with just the right amount of optimism. Even the dog with the red ball has reason to yelp with joy, . . .”
“The Elephant Scientist, with its clear writing, concise explanation of complex concepts, and exceptional photography, is a first-rate addition to the series.”
“All children who love animals and want to make a contribution to their salvation will love the direction the series is going and will enjoy reading this book.”
“Jo Treggiari, in her debut novel for ages 12 and up, provides an apocalyptic tale combining extreme climate change and mutated smallpox of unknown origin.
This is not a diary like the other books in the Wimpy Kid series. As the author points out emphatically, The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book is a journal.
Our Daddy Is Invincible! deals with a subject most of us prefer not to think about: What happens to their children when a parent is injured while deployed . . . and then comes home?