Social & Family Issues

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“Breaking Beautiful is a well-written, fast-paced debut novel capturing teenage emotions while dealing with the delicate subject of abuse.”

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“It is this tactic—literally providing the vocabulary for assertive communication—that makes Hey, Back Off! A standout in the field.

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A Quest For Good Manners is an interesting and fun way to teach good manners to children.

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Purple Daze is a cutting-edge novel, strategically written to keep you wanting more as you delve deeper into the love and conflict of the rocky 1960s.

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Every town has an ”it” girl: The one that shines just a little too brightly, lives life a little too fully, and yet still manages to draw the attention of everyone.

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Every teenager has hang ups about some physical aspect of themselves. Seventeen-year-old Sarah Burke is no exception.

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Sometimes in life it takes the realization of the enormity of the problems of the less fortunate in the world to awaken individuals to issues that haunt them much closer to home.

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Emily the Strange made her first appearance in a graphic novel, and the franchise now includes novels, artwork, toys, clothing, and “accessories” ranging from jewelry to footwear to a Zippo lighter
