Short Stories

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“Other authors may struggle writing from a first-person or third-person point of view and opt to only write in one viewpoint all the time, but Dagoberto Gilb handles writing in either viewp

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“All told, The Speed Chronicles deserves great praise for the audacity of the topic, the depth of the discussion, the diversity of its voices, and plain, old, good storytelling.”

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“The best stories in The Cocaine Chronicles—including those of Mr. West, Mr. Brown, and Ms. Revoyr—are equal to the best fiction being written today.”

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“Surely in the past three decades we have moved beyond merely the inclusion of Speedos and horny waiters and The Pines in order for something to be considered ‘gay fiction.’ . . .

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“Adults and scholars will find much to enjoy both in the editor’s insightful introductory essay and in her concise, interesting biographies of the artists. . . .

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“that is exactly what Daniel Woodrell is: a storyteller, first and foremost.

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“So I will say it in simple language: Buy this book. Read this book. It is masterful. It is one of the best short story collections published this year.

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“Joan Connor loves words. . . . The cover of this book fails to suggest the riches within.”

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“I Knew You’d Be Lovely is an impressive offering, from a strong new voice, of stories about life’s desperation.”

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Quirky and edgy—the yin and yang of a good story. These two words give the concise description of The Brick Murder: A Tragedy, an anthology of short stories by Kurt Jose Ayau.
