Recent Reviews

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“Perfect reading for a rainy day at the cottage, when nothing else will do but a charming and witty whodunit.”

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“Read this book for the story, the characters, and the setting, and savor it for the food and the recipes.”

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“Moxie Castlin was easy to underestimate, but only on first impression.

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“Sometimes nonfiction is even more intriguing than fiction, and Preston certainly knows how to keep readers’ attention while taking them on a journey into the mysteries of the past.”

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Do Beatles fans really want to revisit this painful, bitter, divisive time in the life of the band who otherwise gave the world so much joy?”

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“Every elementary classroom and science lab needs a copy of Green.”

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“a gift to anyone interested in African American history and African American writing . . .”

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“one of the most captivating books on the market linking fine art with climate change.”

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“This 24th in the series will do for a quickly moving airport or travel read, but only the ‘mental disorder as disability’ premise is memorable . . .

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“Officials forcibly remove her to the New York School for Girls where she is essentially imprisoned and turned into an indentured servant.

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"Some women aspired to become a housewife from an early age and are delighted with the role; others were relegated to it . . ."

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“From a visual perspective, it is one of the loveliest fashion books to come out this year and would be a beloved volume for anyone who loves to look at gorgeous pictures.”
