Jane Austen's Bookshelf: A Rare Book Collector's Quest to Find the Women Writers Who Shaped a Legend
“The potential readership for this book is not limited to Austen fans—of which there are legions—but also to those interested in the work of women writers and . . . in learning about what influenced one of the most famous writers.”
What an extraordinary book.
Everyone who aspires to be a writer is told to read, a lot. Jane Austen took that timeless advice to heart and not only read with a voracious fervor but managed to incorporate much of what she read into her own novels.
This book provides readers, Austen fan or not, with a peek into what she read and how those books influenced her writing. This book concentrates on the women writers who piqued Austen’s interest, and her work reflects that influence through the various phrasing and word combinations that have become part and parcel of Austen’s legacy.
The potential readership for this book is not limited to Austen fans—of which there are legions—but also to those interested in the work of women writers and others interested in learning about what influenced one of the most famous writers.
The author, Rebecca Romney, buys and sells rare books and, therefore, presents a different perspective. It is not just another regurgitation of Austen folklore, but an in-depth analysis of the women writers who influenced Austen and contributed to her work. Romney introduces readers to writers whose books either created or enhanced the novel genre. These writers published well-received books, which, unfortunately, have fallen out of favor for various reasons.
The book starts off with the author explaining the difference between a reader and a collector. “A reader says, “Which book shall I read?” A collector says, “Which copy of this book do I want to find?” A reader falls in love with the story in the book. A collector falls in love with the story of the book.” And that is where this adventure begins. Romney not only introduces readers to the books Austen loved, but also her search for the perfect copy of those books.
Anyone could have written something containing a laundry list of books that influenced Jane Austen. But having a rare book dealer and collector identify and interpret those books raises the discussion to a much higher level. And she does it in a way that not only sucks a reader into the story but also provides an insider’s view into the whys and wherefores of collecting books. It would have been nice had she included more information about the cost of collecting these books. Romney repeatedly mentions the prices rare books attain but never gives readers an idea of what an “affordable” rare book might be to her. \That information would have been interesting to know.
That being said, a reader will still come away from reading this book with renewed energy to find a copy of a book by one of the authors discussed that is a must-read. Who knows, those Little Libraries on front lawns might just contain a rare find that can prompt a squeal of excitement upon discovery.