“Open the metaphorical doors and windows to this fine collection; let the textures and textures that are so generously infused into these poems find a place in your imagination.”
“Pinsky’s conclusion of the Morgan case is endorsed by a good number of her surviving family members; but there are law enforcement officers who . . . vehemently disagree.
In the introduction Robert Gottlieb notes The Most of Nora Ephron started out as a collaboration between him and Ms. Ephron that, sadly, she never saw completed. Following her death Mr.
Born in Essex, England in 1923, and having lived for brief periods in Holland, France, Italy, Mexico, and most of her adult life in the United States, Denise Levertov viewed herself as “a trans-Atl
Theo Pauline Nestor (How to Sleep Alone in a King-Size Bed) is an author, blogger, and writing instructor whose latest book reads like a journey outlining one writer’s struggle for her own
In the opening essay of Distant Reading, Franco Moretti advances the provocative question, “Would there be Shakespeare, had England not been an island?”