Brayden Speaks Up: How One Boy Inspired the Nation by Brayden Harrington is a story of perseverance, hope and triumph—a firsthand account told in third person—through the voice of a boy wh
The graphic novel, Before They Were Artists: Famous Illustrators as Kids, covers the careers of six illustrators, three men and three women, of varying levels of fame, three deceased and t
The Secret Life of Whales is a huge blue book with a shimmery cover. It starts off by explaining that whales belong to the Cetacean family and are either Baleen whales or toothed whales.
“The international flavor of this book actually makes the world feel like a wonderful place to be. These are real people, and they are shown here as happy to be alive.”
Lobe Your Brain is a colorful book about how your brain works. Although it is laid out like a 32-page picture book, it’s really for older kids, ages five and up.
“Little Audrey’s Daydream: The Life of Audrey Hepburn, would make a nice choice for a young person doing a biography on a famous or influential person.”
“Modern Art Explorer is a successful and fun journey into the world of modern art whether you are a new explorer or well-traveled art-lover, young person or seasoned adventurer.”