It should come as no surprise to find that Ms. Kazanjian’s opus is all about the covers of Vogue magazine starting from its inception in the 1890s to the present time.
“Girls, teens, chicks (call us what you want) are fortunate that Ms. Engelbrecht turned her passion project into a book. . . . This entire book is incredibly beautiful and so expressive.
“The nine short works are not all theater masterworks, but they are a fair representation of the spectrum of styles and subjects being examined by contemporary playwrights.”
“Engineers like Phill Brown had to pioneer the way music was recorded, giving the albums more life, not less. Perhaps it is time to return to the good old days Mr.
“Before the Paparazzi is the Pulitzer Prize-nominated press photographer Arty Pomerantz’s love letter to the art of press photography during a different time, in a world that no lo
“an extraordinary book of stunning black and white images of the men and boys, women and girls, who lost limbs and loved ones and managed to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on af
Addressing the role of urban placemaking in the context of the challenges of contemporary society, authors Robert Steuteville and Philip Langdon observe, “While the world has big issues, we should
“Michelle Owens does not ‘presume to dictate something so personal’ as the ‘rules for making a garden.’ Rather, her stated intention in this delightful book is ‘to suggest ways to think abo