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    "in Topgun, Pedersen has the reader even looking forward to the next paragraph."

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    As fascinating as it is, we tend to take our solar system for granted. After all, from our puny human perspective, the local astronomical real estate doesn’t change much.

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    This is an important book on an important subject, but not for the faint-hearted in its very detailed treatment of the ebb and flow of citizenship recognition and rights for LGBT individuals in Ame

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    In this cozy police procedural set in the cozy French town of St. Denis, we have book nine of the cozy series about Bruno, Chief of Police.

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    Award-winning author Aryn Kyle has created a intriguing and mesmerizing work in her latest literary accomplishment, a captivating short story collection: Boys and Girls Like You and Me.

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    Georgeann Packard’s extraordinary debut novel, Fall Asleep Forgetting, is filled with such an array of original and motley crew of characters, we become almost spoiled for choice as we tur

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     There is much richness and beauty contained in this very short book. Shibli has an exquisite grasp of language that allows her to say a vast amount without writing much at all.

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    "Henry Alford provides a clear, incredibly thoroughly-researched recounting of Mitchell’s abundant life."

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    “succeeds in capturing the full story behind a notorious murderer’s brazen quest to avoid the death penalty by any means possible.”

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    The challenge in reviewing a book of new and selected poems by a writer of Thomas Lynch’s caliber is that one might feel unequal to the task.

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    “You need not be a bird lover or watcher to enjoy this book, but there’s a good chance you will love both birds and life more by its end.”

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    “Compelling from beginning to end, Find You First will keep Barclay’s fans on the lookout for his next thrilling ride.”

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    “Yugoslavia should be proud of this small car. Everyone will be
    talking about it in the United States.” —Malcolm Bricklin

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    “This is strong satire, and many parts are, if not laugh-out loud funny, at least genuinely chuckle-funny.”

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    The edition of Siegfried Follies by Richard Alther that this reviewer recently read could use a thorough revision.

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    Haley Tanner’s debut novel, Vaclav and Lena, captures the slow, methodical thought processes of young children, the awkward diction of non-English speaking immigrants, and the hearts of it

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    Remembering the Greatest Coaches and Games of the NFL Glory Years is a stroll down Memory Lane for this reviewer, who was raised as a diehard fan of the Tom Landry era Dallas Cowboys.

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    “Baart is an accomplished storyteller. She excels at layering concurrent plot threads, character arcs, and suspense with layer upon layer of storied detail . . .
