“There are three ways of influencing a person: blackmail, vodka, or the threat of murder.” This view, attributed here to Vladimir Putin, casts a penumbra over the entire book.
Since Donald J. Trump is still a very active politician, it is good to have an initial review of his presidency by a team of experts on 19 different facets of his presidency.
"Siskind provides a valuable reference work for the first year of the Trump presidency—judged the worst in U.S. history by leading political scientists."
“Flake is to be applauded for courageously calling out Trump and his many enablers in the Republican Party for their dangerous dance with authoritarian and bigoted white nationalism.”
Malcolm Nance’s The Plot to Hack America is an essential primer for anyone wanting to be fully informed about the unprecedented events surrounding the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Was there a way for candidate Barack Obama to address chaos in Iraq while also calling for pursuit of Osama bin Laden lodged in a corner of putative partner Pakistan?
The nuclear weapon missile business is contradictory, full of missteps, highly dangerous and prepared in its madness (Mutually Assured Destruction, aka MAD, they used to call it in Cold War days) t
Over the past four decades, international soccer has served as a vehicle for those in charge of it to siphon off hundreds of millions of dollars in under-the-table payments and bribes.
“The pardon power was relatively unheard of in popular culture until Gerald Ford, the ‘most accidental of presidents,’ pardoned his disgraced predecessor in 1974.”