Norman W. Wilson

Norman W. Wilson holds four earned college degrees. His doctorate is in the humanities. He is Professor Emeritus at Polk State College, Winter Haven, Florida.

His professional writings include numerous articles and several textbooks in the fields of education, literature, and the humanities, and he currently has 150 articles published on the Internet.

Dr. Wilson is a reviewer for NovelSpot.Net.

Book Reviews by Norman W. Wilson

Reviewed by: 

The Humanities and Public Life is a poignant plea for discriminate reading; that is, reading with intelligent and discerning comprehension—the kind found in reading literature, po

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The challenge former Assistant Secretary of Education, Dianne Ravitch unleashes is formidable.

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Why Teach? In Defense of Real Education is the proverbial cry in the wilderness—a cry for what was and for what can be.

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“. . . a wealth of information . . . an excellent explanation of what is currently meant by affirmative action . . .”

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“Mr. Mali claims, ‘by the time a student reaches sixth grade, the extent to which he or she could progress intellectually has been almost entirely determined nearly ten years earlier.

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“Your Playlist Can Change Your Life gets the reader-learner directly involved in the processes of choosing and then using music to enhance your life.”

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Like a weaver of a tapestry, Tami Hoag attempts to tie her characters into a tight frame of mystery, psychological depravity, and murder.

She fails!

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David Feith, an assistant editorial features editor at the Wall Street Journal and twice recipient of the Robert L.

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Raymond Benson is the author of over 24 published books, including several original James Bond novels and three Bond novelizations.

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“If you are a teacher, a parent, or a taxpayer, Push Has Come to Shove is a must read!”

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Cole Riley, an author of erotica in his own right, has written several street classics including Hot Smoke Night, The Devil to Pay, and the recent Harlem Confidential.

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Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child have done it again—and have done so with efficacy. In creating a new hero, they have assured their many enduring fans a fast paced read.

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Incest, murder, and a devastating fire come too late in this noir novel to make it a good read. This is unfortunate, because the writer has obvious talent.

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With a single, broad stroke of her writer’s brush, dipped in a rich, multicolored palette, Paula Marantz Cohen captures Victorian London of the 1880s.

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A flow chart is a requirement if one wants to maintain the connections in this old-fashioned plot about the innocent who must prove their innocence.