Tami Hoag

Tami Hoag is the author of 17 novels. Down the Darkest Road is the third book in her famous Oak Hill series, which includes Secrets to the Grave and Deeper than the Dead. Both books have placed her on the New York Times bestsellers list. Deeper than the Dead debuted at number seven, and her Secrets to the Grave debuted at number eight.

Books Authored

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“The Boy is a story well told, and Nick Fourcade and Annie Broussard are an investigative team you’ll eagerly come back to for more.”

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“Down the Darkest Road" is a masterful tale, offering up a strong narrative sprinkled with similes and metaphors; captivating, eccentric, feisty characters; and an abundance of sheer, wick

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Like a weaver of a tapestry, Tami Hoag attempts to tie her characters into a tight frame of mystery, psychological depravity, and murder.

She fails!