“The Cold War needs more great histories like this to show what a truly remarkable time it was, a period of nuclear terror, constant hair-trigger tensions, and the human dr
“Slanted is Attkisson’s most recent effort to expose the biases and corruption in the mainstream media even as she laments ‘the death of the news as we once knew it.’”
“David Lesch’s Syria is timely, relevant, and to the point, providing the educated reader with everything needed to make sense of what is happening in that country.”
“Chapman’s tenacity in sacrificing himself to save the lives of his comrades as other forces attempt to rescue him truly stand out as an example of the best America has to offer . .
Anna Feigenbaum’s Tear Gas: From the Battlefields of WWI to the Streets of Today is a poignant inquiry into the relationship between a corporate-capitalist system of governing and its implic