Chuck Wendig

Chuck Wendig is equal parts novelist, screenwriter, and game designer—an all-around “freelance penmonkey.” You can probably find him on the side of a highway holding a sign, “Will Write For Booze.” He currently lives in the wilds of Pennsyltucky with wife, dog, and infant heir to the Wendig throne. You can find him dispensing dubious writing advice on his blog.

Books Authored

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“an epic tour-de-force . . .”

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"Although reeling from a crippling Imperial attack, the New Republic has managed to drive the remnants of the Empire into hiding.

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Zer0es is a fast paced cyber-thriller that starts off strong, keeps the reader interested throughout, and finishes well, leaving room for more in a possible series.

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“. . . fast-paced and raw.”

Chuck Wendig (Blackbirds, 2012) returns with a new Miriam Black adventure.

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“In addition to a cast of well developed yet mentally unstable characters that enhance a fantastically horrifying plot, Blackbirds possesses a natural progression that doesn’t rely on conve