Peter Cimino
Peter Cimino has been a published author and freelance writer since 2008. The Four Corners, a Sicilian Story (KTF Press), is his first full length novel. This fiction tale is a true-to-life, a prohibition-era, gangster story with unforgettable characters, starring the charismatic and powerful protagonist Big Pete Carissimo. The Four Corners is available at Amazon in both Kindle and paperback and through Peter's website, for personalized signed paperback copies.
In 2012, Peter’s short story, “Lucky Says Hello,” with the same setting and characters as The Four Corners, was published by MuseItUp Publishing. This story is the sequel to the full length novel. “Lucky” is currently available for 99 cents on Amazon.
Mr. Cimino is also an established freelance writer, specializing in sports. He has been published several times on the web-magazine the Bleacher Report featuring stories on the New York Football Giants and the Professional Bowlers Association. From February of 2011 through March of 2012, he was a lead writer for the print publication Sports Life magazine. He authored numerous feature stories for each issue, specializing in one-on-one interview pieces.
Mr. Cimino is known for his unique voice, bringing the human element into everything he writes. Published writer /author Elyse Draper on Peter: “Peter has a genuine talent for creating real characters; not only characters that smack of reality, but ones people develop an attachment to. His talents are remarkable. It is only a matter of time before his work is on the New York Times BSL.”
Born and raised in New Jersey, Peter now resides in Naperville, Illinois with his wife Wendy and two young sons Matthew and Nicholas.
You can follow Peter's progress and writings at his website, on Facebook, and on Twitter.