Christopher Luna

Christopher Luna is a poet, visual artist, and editor with an MFA in Writing and Poetics from the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, Colorado. He is the co-founder, with Toni Partington, of Printed Matter Vancouver, an editing service and small press for Northwest writers.
Mr. Luna edits The Work, a monthly email newsletter featuring poetry events in Portland, OR, and Vancouver, WA, and is a columnist for Sage Cohen’s Writing the Life Poetic E-Zine.
Mr. Luna’s writing has been featured in Rain Taxi Review of Books, Poetry Project Newsletter, Current Biography, the Columbian, The Oregonian, Willamette Week, the Vancouver Voice, and the Boulder Planet.
His poetry has appeared in Soundings Review, Chiron Review, Full of Crow, Cadillac Cicatrix, eye-rhyme, Gare du Nord, Exquisite Corpse, Many Mountains Moving, the @tached document, and Big Scream. His books include tributes and ruminations (2000), On the Beam (with David Madgalene, 2005), Sketches for a Paranoid Picture Book on Memory (King of Mice Press, 2005), GHOST TOWN, USA (This is Not an Albatross, 2008), and To Be Named and Other Works of Poetic License, a poetic travelogue and art book created in collaboration with David Madgalene and Toni Partington.