Agatha Frischmuth

Agatha Frischmuth is a freelance writer and editor-in-chief of the online culture magazine The Review. She is interested in American fiction and has published reviews and academic papers on the works of Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Hunter S. Thompson, and Cormac McCarthy. With three years experience in higher education administration and research, she has organized and spoken at a number of humanities and science conferences.

Frischmuth holds a BA and an MA in Comparative Literature from LMU in Munich, Germany, and University College London in England. After her graduation she has worked for the University of Nottingham. She is currently developing a thesis about the motif of inactivity in 20th century literature.

Book Reviews by Agatha Frischmuth

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The oevre of Charles Bukowski, American cult poet of the latter half of the 20th century, is something akin to an Antarctic ice sheet that mysteriously keeps growing while you would expect it to me

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F cuts to the chase with impatience and too rapidly presents the solution to its own enigma. Haste makes waste, as the saying goes. True in life, true in literature.”

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“ . . . a multivoiced attempt to represent the universality and truth of Kafka’s narratives. . . .