Congressman Jerry McNerney Ph.D.
Congressman Jerry McNerney was elected to serve as the elected representative of California’s 11th Congressional District in 2006. He serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. McNerney studied engineering and mathematics at the University of New Mexico, earning a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1981. He has been a contractor to Sandia National Laboratories on Kirtland Air Force Base, working on national security programs. In 1985, he accepted a senior engineering position with U.S. Windpower, Kenetech. In 1994, the began working as an energy consultant for Pacific Gas & Electric, FloWind, the Electric Power Research Institute and other utility companies. McNerney has written numerous essays and three novels.
Martin Cheek earned a degree in journalism from San Jose University in 1990. For more than two decades he has worked as a newspaper reporter and magazine writer. For several years he served as European Bureau Chief in London for the news service Editech International. He is the author of Moon Handbooks: Silicon Valley, and has written more than 500 articles about high-tech topics for magazines and newspapers in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia. He has worked for Defense Science magazine and San Jose magazine, and often writes about alternative energy issues in a weekly column called “The Big Picture,” published in several Silicon Valley-based newspapers.