A fortysomething, midlist novelist sees her husband off to work one morning. By evening, he is in a coma; a few days later, he is dead, leaving her with two young sons.
“The sad ironies are, of course, that John Kennedy Toole’s death by his own hand offered his mother the tool that she needed to wedge open the doors to the publishing industry.
Change applies at so many levels and constructs: culture, society, family, work, business, governments, technology, etc. Even though change is accelerating—so many resist change.
“If you like writing that is so spare it glows of compressed energy and stories that often turn out to be combustible then your next visit to the bookstore should be for a Guilt tr
The tale and toll of man’s inhumanity to man is a long, complex, and tragic one, especially when it comes to bondage, slavery, involuntary servitude—call it what you like.
“Lipsky’s dizzying no-brakes account of the progression to climate consensus—and of the dogged deniers-for-hire who have attacked it with relentless, reckless abandon—proves engaging and en