World War II

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The 1936 Summer Olympiad marked pivotal moments in history for world athletes and world politics.

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“Ian Fleming himself could not have written such an improbable yet actual plot . . .”

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“shows how ordinary Britons and Germans lived their lives in that last year of peace . . .”

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Churchill's Shadow Raiders is a genuine techno-thriller . . .”

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“Bernice Lerner has provided us the opportunity to see what results when one woman’s will to survive and one man’s humanity are combined.”    

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“As with many other topics related to the world’s greatest and deadliest human conflict, there is much here for all of us to learn, know and try to understand about ourselves in chaotic and

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“a real game changer for the historiography of the Pacific Theater in World War II . . .

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“Joseph Whelan does a deft job of blending ground and naval actions with the Japanese accounts of the battle, writing a gripping and timely account in time for the 75th anniversary of the l

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The Splendid and the Vile is a tale of courage, perseverance, sacrifice, fear, tragedy, human drama, and ultimately inspiration for free peoples everywhere.

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“Preston provides a highly readable, highly detailed account of the historic meetings and often difficult and contentious negotiations between Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and their staffs

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an incredible tale of technology and heroism.”

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“. . . a masterful job of evoking the sweep of this vital piece of naval history in both broad strokes and the telling detail.”

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“an excellent one-volume resource for anyone wanting to learn about the breadth and daring of British special operations in the European Theater during World War II, cover

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In his memoir, I Was Hitler’s Pilot, Hans Baur provides more insight into his love of flying than he does discussing his role as Hitler’s pilot.

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Germany was not the invincible juggernaut, the Soviets were merely allies of continence because Hitler turned on them, and the shameful actions of appeasing governments in

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No Surrender encompasses a powerful story about human brotherhood and comradeship reckoning with—and overcoming—the evil realities of Hitler’s Nazi regime.”

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“‘Sea power did not win the war itself: it enabled to war to be won.’ This carefully researched and incisive book certainly makes this case.”

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“With clear prose and an excellent writing style, Stephen Harding, editor of Military History magazine, is to be commended for bringing another interesting story of World War II to

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"Well-illustrated and fully annotated, Forgotten Bastards covers its subject on several levels and in a readable style."

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“Bill Yenne’s new book MacArthur’s Air Force is the story of the remarkable achievements of the American air forces—the planes, the key officers, and most of all the courageous pil

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World War II Map by Map is a delight to leaf through and is highly recommended for those desiring a pictorial introduction to World War II.”

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“another instance of the dedication and sacrifice made by our Greatest Generation.

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“a comprehensive and readable narrative of the Army’s critical role in achieving victory over Japan.”
