World War II

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“a shocking and uncomfortable spin on the usual historiography of 1944 as the year the Allies decisively turned the war toward victory.”

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MI6 and CIA be damned! The Vatican and Pope Pius XII during World War II could have put any espionage agency to shame.

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Modern day society is familiar with the existence, accomplishments, and exploits of America’s Special Operations forces, in particular the warriors known as U.S. Navy SEALs.

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“For a personal, ground level view of a highly decorated German soldier’s World War II experience, Sturm’s account comes highly recommended.” 

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This publication is a combination of two desirable factors.

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“a well-written story of a truly epic World War II fight . . .”

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“a brutally honest and personal look at World War II urban combat . . .”

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“a well-written and engrossing account of a World War II episode which has not necessarily seen the light of day . . .”

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“For those interested in this critical campaign, this volume is recommended.”

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“Anyone with an interest in history, WWII, Nazis, Eichmann, the Holocaust, genocide, or the escape of many powerful Nazis to South America will find this book an amazing collection of old a

“. . . as if there were any doubt about it, Germans knew about the Holocaust.

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“. . . this book will grab them by the scruff of the neck and hold them spellbound from beginning to end.”

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“. . . does an excellent job of telling the story of one of America’s finest and darkest episodes in World War II . . .”

Stephen Harding is senior editor of Military History and a prolific researcher and military historian whose works include seven other nonfiction books as well as hundreds of magazine artic

“Is it necessary to state positively that there is no logical connection between an author’s patriotism, or alleged lack of it, and his or her treatment of historical fact?

“The thesis set forth by Stephen Fritz in Ostkrieg is so simple and compelling that it merits consideration even by those who have studied the topic for years.”

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“A Convenient Hatred is a profoundly authoritative resource for educators.

“Mr. Clark has a reputation for both his deep knowledge of military history and his ability to make it accessible to a substantial reading audience.

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“Beyond classrooms, general readers will likely find a few of the selections compelling and the rest boorish and preachy.

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“[Gretel Wachtel’s] defiance of the Gestapo and her willingness to serve time in a concentration camp gives Ms.
