Why’d They Wear That?: Fashion as the Mirror of History
“Consider Why'd They Wear That? highly recommended for fashion lovers of all ages.”
If this is a book meant for kids then caviar needs to be on their everyday menu!
Without question Sarah Albee may have had young minds as her target audience when writing, but this is truly an ageless piece of work that does everything a book should do. This book educates, elucidates, and entertains and should be deemed required reading for anyone who is interested in fashion on any level.
Why'd They Wear That? is one of those books that serves as a proof of don’t judge a book by its cover—or for that matter its genre. Seasoned followers of and participants in the world of fashion will be endlessly amused and enlightened after reading each chapter. There are words to be learned, facts to be discovered, and in general, a history that is offered so simply and engagingly as to make the reading experience a delight.
Without question, Why'd They Wear That? is a book that can be reread and even serve as a reference. The book might have gone astray of the topic if it had been approached in a more pedantic, clinical, and aloof manner but maybe this so called “childish” approach is what makes it so appealing.
Consider Why'd They Wear That? highly recommended for fashion lovers of all ages. As for whether or not a 10-year-old fashionista will love it, who can tell—but it’s worth a try.