Viral Explosions!: Proven Techniques to Expand, Explode, or Ignite Your Business or Brand Online

Image of Viral Explosions!: Proven Techniques to Expand, Explode, or Ignite Your Business or Brand Online
Release Date: 
April 12, 2010
Career Press
Reviewed by: 

If a business owner is trying to figure out how to use the Internet for growing his or her business and obtaining more clients, Peggy McColl has the prescription in this book. Viral Explosions! provides a systematic plan on how to grow a business and garner traffic to a business website. The only hard part is actually following the system the author suggests.

Books with plans are collecting dust on the shelves of many would-be marketers and business owners. This book is head and shoulders above the rest because it contains details that will help marketers and business owners actualize their goals. Again, any plan is only as good as the person willing to work it.

Viral Explosions! explains in easy-to-follow language how to accomplish sales and grow any business in today’s Web 2.0 world.

This book is the perfect reference guide for home-based entrepreneurs. Viral Explosions! covers how to create products, run webinars, get the most out of tele-seminars, and use social media to grow a business brand online.

This book has all the pertinent information businesses need to develop an individual Internet marketing plan, but doing the work is up to the individual. The Internet is the modern vehicle to build and brand businesses, especially with the number of newspapers dwindling, and papers being more selective regarding press releases. With the number of potential clients online, why not use the Internet to reach them, expanding your geographic reach in the process? Take a look at sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. The concept is to use social media (anywhere people congregate) to a business or entrepreneur’s advantage in building a brand that is clear in what it stands for.

This book contains information on launching a viral explosion, branding products and services, identifying and filling a need, webinars, audios, videos, information-based products, how to partner, the passion and mindset to succeed, building a subscriber base, setting up a website, product creation, and a glossary to become familiar with terms used around the Internet by marketers. One could spend many hours on their own trying to hunt down the valuable information found in these 220 pages.

Viral Explosions! should be on the desk nearby to reference as the need arises. No one can remember it all the first time through. This book will not sit around gathering dust; it will be used often for readers looking to grow their businesses and brands online.

Reviewer Robert Medak is a writer and editor.