Suave in Every Situation: A Rakish Style Guide for Men

Without question Gonzague Dupleix has written a how-to manual for men who wish to dress, present, and conduct themselves appropriately in any and all situations, no matter how far afield. The book actually follows the “floor plan” of several others of the genre that offer similar advice, though this might be the first one addressing only men and infusing some humor and history into the mix; for that alone, the book and author deserve kudos.
Whether or not this book is relevant or worthwhile to a reader is up in the air as the subject matter as well as the humor must really hold some interest to the beholder. Impressive are the little tidbits of history and ephemera that have been woven into the fabric of the contents but alas, the humor falls short of anything more than yielding a head shake or smirk.
Most books can be reviewed with a very removed and unbiased opinion but this one may be an exception. The illustrations done by Jean-Philippe Delhomme leave something to be desired. If you have never heard or seen illustrations by Richard Haines, then you might think or believe that these are just amazing. Once again it is a case of one’s frame of reference, mindset, and breadth of knowledge.
The best that can be stated is that Suave in Every Situation might prove to be beneficial and enjoyable to a particular prospective reader. This review is based on much more of a very personal opinion rather than the usual less biased. Let’s say this is a book for the sartorially deprived as well for those who might not have the social graces and skills that come with age and experience.