Safe Haven

The small town of Southport, North Carolina, is as quiet as they come. It’s the perfect place to relax for a weekend or just get away—and that’s exactly what newcomer Katie has done.
Young and attractive, Katie tries not to draw attention to herself. Her new neighbors think her somewhat quiet, a bit withdrawn, and always shy. Often she seems to wither under questioning, and even friendly exchanges seem to make her nervous; but she’s a hard worker and seems nice enough. When she lets down her guard Katie is really quite charming. But her guard is rarely down.
What happens when the person you love turns into a monster you fear? When the man who swore to protect you from the world becomes the one you need protection from?
When you’re a fresh face in a small town, southern hospitality makes it hard to remain a stranger for long. And although she tries to avoid others, Katie soon finds herself making friends. One of these is her quirky neighbor, Jo. Another is a local widower.
Alex and his two young children are everything Katie has ever dreamed a family could be. Recovering from the loss of his wife Carly, Alex is a loyal man with strong values and a heart of gold. Entering their world, she finds herself not only falling in love but also truly discovering who she is in a life without fear. But can she ever really breath easy when disaster for everyone near her could be just around the corner?
In a stunning novel about the dark side of love and marriage, Nicholas Sparks brings to life one of his most poignant characters—as well as one of his most sinister. Detailing the horrors of domestic violence, Sparks creates a dramatic story full of surprises and edge of your seat suspense.
Devotees of Sparks will find this new work a little darker than what they might expect, while new readers will instantly be wrapped up in the saga of a woman searching for safety and love.
While some think Sparks formulaic, there is no denying his stories are engrossing and rich with regional detail and emotional connections. Safe Haven is sure to be yet another Sparks bestseller.