Nobunny's Perfect

Nobunny’s Perfect is a simply illustrated, 32-page picture book that teaches children about different kinds of behavior and about using good manners. Nobunny’s Perfect uses bunny children to demonstrate how every child wants to be good, but at times might find themselves in a position to be not so good. Sometimes a child’s feelings are caused from sadness, from being tired, or just having a bad day that might be triggered by the smallest of things. The story then rolls into covering instances when a child can misbehave. Any parent in the world can relate to the examples that Mrs. Dewdney writes about and illustrates. Many parents probably have a few gray hairs from similar experiences.
After covering some ways a child can misbehave, the author then goes into the preferable ways a child can choose to act. The illustrations express the feelings and emotions of each character during the entire story, allowing children to visualize how relaxing and enjoyable the environment around them can be when they behave properly, and how tense and frustrating the environment can be when they do not.
Though this story covers good and bad behavior and having good manners, it misses how a child, when having feelings of anger or frustration, can learn how to diffuse these feelings. Children sometimes act out because they don’t know how else to express themselves. A good point to have added might be how a child could have dealt with those feelings—how a child could go from acting out and misbehaving to learning how to act more properly and how to become a well behaved child on his or her own.
The truth concerning children’s emotions is that each day is like flipping a quarter. You never know what you’re going to get. One day behavior is great; the next day, the parent’s gray hairs are taking over.
Overall, Nobunny’s Perfect is written in easy rhyme with a good moral that children will enjoy listening to and learning from. It’s a great read for children between the ages of 4–8.