The Naked Truth: A Memoir

Image of The Naked Truth: A Memoir
Release Date: 
May 21, 2019
Simon & Schuster
Reviewed by: 

The Naked Truth, a memoir by Leslie Morgan, bestselling author of Crazy Love and Mommy Wars, is proof of an experienced writer. Even though, at the beginning of the tale, she assumes her reader is closer than the reader has had time to be, with cliched throw-away phrases like “trust me” in the fourth line of the prologue and “I kid you not” in the first paragraph of Chapter 1.

Morgan writes with such chatty confidence about her personal dilemmas as a woman at 49, that when she goes into the backstory of her failed second marriage after only a teaser about her intention for the rest of the book, it works anyway. 

Then she describes the first sex she’s had in three years—with a blue-eyed, charming younger man whom she met at the airport waiting for her flight— with a natural touch for sexy, intimate description. Since the reader has now been through the backstory, we understand the stakes, the triumph of this coupling, the personal meaning of her freedom, her unabashed enjoyment.  

As she is attracted to and beds five different men in pursuit of self-discovery and confidence and yes, good sex, the book leaps and bounds ahead into the adventures and the mind of this now-liberated woman who seems to be coming into her own as she passes an important milestone into aging, her 50th birthday. Morgan’s narrative also checks back with the failed marriage, for perspective, for comparison: on how an attentive lover makes her feel after all these years of neglect. 

That she sounds so intelligent and rational makes it an easy, breezy read, if somewhat unbelievable. Somehow, she seems to stumble over five really great guys, without really trying. “They’re everywhere!” she announces like a toddler at Christmas. And each one is so grateful for their experience with her, each one so articulate and gushing in his praise of her older woman, mother’s body, her generosity, her sense of fashion. Each eager lover is so decent and trustworthy and sexy and good looking, it’s almost too much. It’s like posting travel shots on Facebook and saying: “Look what a great time I’m having!” whether or not you are. Once you start posting success shots, you’re destined to repeat them.

Morgan recounts one heady experience after another; when men notice her, as she welcomes their gaze, their comments, their lust and affection. There is no such thing as inappropriate touching. With her body and her strut and her whole being, Morgan emanates “bring it on”! The #MeToo movement takes on a different meaning, i.e. Guys aren’t the only ones who can enjoy sex. I'm going to have my fun, too!

The Naked Truth is an easy and compelling read even when the narrator loses confidence in what she’s doing, even when she doesn’t really want to discover what she discovers. Even when the relationship she zeroes in on gets messy. But she keeps on, listening to KC, her therapist, observing the glaring faults of her Prince Charming, because she really wants to know if there’s wisdom through her journey.

Even if your divorce was years ago and under completely different circumstances, you’ll be curious about the conclusion of Morgan’s adventures. You’ll think of your girlfriends who could benefit from this candid tale that borders on the edge of too much information, but pulls back just in time.

Can an older woman find happiness with a man? In spite of her broken heart, Morgan wants to know. And you will, too.