Mice in the City: New York

“Five shining stars of fun!”
Mice in the City New York is cover to cover fun! The reader is taken on an informative tour of the top 14 iconic sights in New York City, but throw in over 1800 whimsical little mice doing what city dwellers do best, and you have an absolutely exhilarating journey!
First sight on the tour? Taxi cabs and the subway!
“In the mornings mice rush
across town in a hurry.
By subway, by taxi,
or some simply scurry!”
After all, the hundreds of busy little mice need to get around this bustling city. Mice driving taxis and carriages weave amongst more mice . . . shopping, fishing, playing, relaxing and exploring. There are old mice, young mice, girl and boy mice, mice in fancy hats, and street performing mice! So many mice and we’re still only on the first page!
Each and every one of the 1800 mice in the book has its own distinct personality and is engaged in its own individual activity. Ami Shin’s charming illustrations, attention to detail and pastel color palette gives this book a unique feel as we join the mice at the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Staten Island Ferry and all the sights that make New York City a favorite destination for travelers.
An added bonus is a rambunctious game of “Hide-And-Squeak” for the reader to play . . . looking for eight special characters on each and every page. Things like “A wizard mouse,” “A worm in a top hat,” and “A cat with a stripy tail.” Definitely a great book if you need to keep the kids occupied for long periods of time!
I found this book so delightful that I shared it with the 22 kindergarteners at my local elementary school! The squeals of delight as they flipped through it showed me they enjoyed it as much as I did!
Unfortunately the matte textured paper of the cover and pages became smudged and dirtied up after only a few minutes. Our target readers’ little fingers are, more often than not, covered in a variety of damp and sticky little surprises and the cover was hard to wipe clean.
Five shining stars of fun!